What if your {{ lovedOne[curIndex] }}
had minutes to die?

Watch the Film!
"Getting this [antivenom] drug is a human right. It's not a matter of economic business."
José María Gutiérrez, Antivenom researcher and Professor
Instituto Clodomiro Picado at the University of Costa Rica
"We talk a lot about helping the poor, lifting them up, helping small, older farmers. And yet a small, older farmer may be scared to till their land for fear of snakebite. What do we do about that?"
Kofi Annan, Chair, Kofi Annan Foundation
"This is the time for the whole world to wake up to this important problem that has lingered for many years with no interest."
Abdul Habib, Professor of Infectious & Tropical Diseases
Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
"I want the world to know the pain, to know the suffering of the farmer who feeds us every day."
Robin Bernard, Snakebite victim & bite prevention advocate
Erode, India
If you do just one thing today
Give a voice to the voiceless
Those who live with the daily consequences of snakebite would be grateful if they knew people oceans away cared enough to change their lives. Right now, they think no one is listening.
Be their voice.